Invicta Pipes
Shortly after the Second World War (1947), a company was formed at the old garrison and shipyard town of Chatham, repairing briar pipes, due to the lack of raw materials to make new ones. This was established at the Old Town poor school, known as the Ragged School (a forerunner to Barnadoes of today), in King Street, Chatham.
The company grew to become the foremost briar pipe repairers in the United Kingdom and continued as Medway Briar Pipes Repair until 1974 when ownership changed to Colin Leeson along with the company name to Invicta Briars.
It was at this point that Mr Leeson took the decision to introduce briar pipes manufacturing into the company, and run it alongside the successful repair business.
Gradually, Invicta Briars grew and pipe making became the main operation, manufacturing for themselves and other British pipe houses. Peter Ellam joined later as a briar pipes maker.
The range enlarged as did the outlets for purchasing an Invicta briar pipes, encompassing sales across the UK and USA via retail outlets, traditional British county fairs and exhibitions. Invicta Briar pipes are now sold all over the world in Canada, Japan, China, Germany, Russia and many other countries.